Welcome to Sew in the Snow Blog

This blog is about my passions in life: family, quilting, and new adventures. Quilting is my main passion! I also love my family tirelessly and devote most of my energy to my young preschool girls and my husband. This blog will be about my creative process in quilting and some about being a Mom in this busy world. Being of Irish descent, I love a good story. So buckle in, here we go!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Friday Featured Artist: Pat Young

I first saw Pat's quilts while looking through the new listings on the Quiltsy team discussions.  She has such beautiful quilts that I wanted a chance to "meet" her through an interview.  She graciously agreed to be interviewed.  Since then, I have had the opportunity to chat with her a few times (via convo on Etsy) and she is a generous and kind soul.  She is the kind of quilter that makes me proud to be in the quilting community.
What originally gave you the idea to create such an interesting Etsy shop?
I knew I wanted to make and sell my quilts and other handmade items, but craft fairs were limited to local and are limited to how well they are advertised. I wanted to start my own business. One day I was reading the Sunday paper and there was an article about a local woman who was selling purses on Etsy. I did a lot of research and a gathered a lot of information over the next three months, then jumped in with both feet. My shop now reflects all the different aspects of me.

Ideas are often so hard to implement—tell us a bit about how you started and what were your first steps in creating your niche in the Etsy and handmade community.
I always loved sewing and the freedom to use fabric to create something special. Quilts are a wonderful way of combining both. I always had people ask me to make them baby quilts to give as gifts so I decided that would be a good starting point for my shop. As I grew, so did the variety of items that went into my shop. 
Could you share some tips on how someone would go about growing an Etsy shop or online presence?
I think a lot of networking and knowing your customer are two key things. You also need to keep it fresh and interesting to keep customers coming back.

What is your main hurdle in running your Etsy site to date?
Finding the time to do all the things I want to do. I have another business I run during the day, and then there is all things house related to do besides.

What are some of the most interesting teams you’ve seen develop on the Etsy site?
I’m not really up on most of the teams on Etsy. I am a member a few that work for me and what I am trying to do. The Quiltsy team is the most prominent. It is more than just a team. It is family, help when needed and a support group as well.

What is the structure behind the scenes—how many people do you have working on your shop at the moment?
My shop is strictly me. I do have the company of at least one of my three dogs when I am working, though.

How do you promote your business? Facebook, Twitter, blogging, or other?
I do use Facebook, and I have a blog for what I am currently working on (which I need to be more diligent about using).

Describe the process of creating one of your handmade items.
I usually start with fabric. Sometimes I have an idea or design in my head and pull fabrics that want to use for it. Other times I just start with one focus fabric and pull coordinating fabrics and let them “speak’ to me as far as a design goes. I usually use a design wall once I get going to pull it all together.

What do you love most about making your products?
What I love most is having an idea in my head and seeing that idea come to reality, to become something tangible.

Fun Facts:
List 3 adjectives that describe you.
Creative, quirky, patient.

If you were an animal, what animal would you be?
If I were an animal, I would be a dog. Dogs are fiercely loyal and protective, very patient and giving, very loving and very intelligent.

To discover the great quilted items that Pat has handmade, click on this link to PatsPassion shop.  It has a variety of quilted treasures waiting for you to discover.  They range in size including: pot holders, mug rugs, place mats, wall hangings, baby quilts, and full size quilts.  I especially love these cute place mats!  Since I live in Alaska these would be perfect for me. 

Quilted Placemats Country Bear and Moose


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