Welcome to Sew in the Snow Blog

This blog is about my passions in life: family, quilting, and new adventures. Quilting is my main passion! I also love my family tirelessly and devote most of my energy to my young preschool girls and my husband. This blog will be about my creative process in quilting and some about being a Mom in this busy world. Being of Irish descent, I love a good story. So buckle in, here we go!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Full-Time Mom & the Futility of Housework

I have to admit, I never thought I'd be a "stay at home Mom" or as I call it, a Full-time Mom.  Yet, this is my fourth year home with my girls.  I am busier than I've ever been, yet I seldom have much to show for it.  Often, my work goes unnoticed and under-appreciated.  Yet, it is still vital the functioning of our home.  So then, am I inspired to do my chores?  No!

I have a friend that has 3 boys.  She also stays home.  Her house is so clean, it's like a museum.  She is also skilled in home decorating.  She watches shows like Martha Stewart, and then actually does the things suggested!  (Ha, how amazing is that?!)  Her husband expects dinner on the table when he gets home, and she actually does it.  Do I?  Not usually... although, I am generally thinking about dinner when he gets home. LOL.  

So, I salute this amazing Super-Mom.  I held her up as the gold-standard of Stay-at-Home-Moms, thinking that I would be the same way.  How hard could it be?

However, that is not me.  Before I had kids, my house was always tidy.  I'd spend 2 hours once a week with my husband and we'd clean it together. Then it'd stay clean ALL WEEK.  I had some crazy delusion that this would also happen post-baby.  Not the case.  Now, I spend 2 hours simply picking up stuff, and I haven't even begun the cleaning.  It stays clean about 4 hours or so.  Then it's messy again.

So, I have decided this week that cleaning is futile.  The laws of physics are in full-force in a home with toddlers.  Entropy is always increasing.  (Entropy is a sort of chaos.)  So, do I battle this universal law of physics?  Well, not today!  Ha, ha!

Today I surrender to entropy.  Instead of housework, I am focusing on something I can control.  Embroidery!  I have embroidered 4 towels, 1 apron, and two centerpieces for art quilts.  Yahooo!  I feel so productive! {Until I walk out of my sewing room that is ;)}  Yet, in here I am queen, it is neat and orderly and I can see what I have done.  It will last forever.  Ahhhh... What a glorious feeling!  

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